Return of Trophies/Cups – Important

The last thing we want to happen is for a final to happen and no trophy onsite to present to the winning team after all their efforts, this can only happen one way and that is if we do not receive the trophy back from the previous years winners.  This is a scenario that no club would want to occur to any of their teams so please do not allow it to happen to another club because you have not returned your trophy.

At the last meeting of the North Kerry Board it was decided that a fine of €50 per trophy be imposed on a club if they decided not to return it before Sunday June 10th.  All trophies can be returned to Maurice MacNamara or Frank McLoughlin by contacting them by phone or dropped into the Kerins O’Rahillys clubhouse with a note saying which club and what competition.

We never fine a club but these trophies cost money to replace and it would be unfair to pay for their replacement out of affiliation or sponsorship money, it is not our fault that you will be fined it will by yours.

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